Friday, March 13, 2015

Cadillac Ranch "Murph was "here

Hi Gang...
Do NOT try this at home but if you visit "Cadillac Ranch" in Amarillo, TX, you can spray paint cars that are buried nose first in the ground! All old cadillacs to be exact. This is a popular tourist attraction along Rte. 66 and it's just in the middle of nowhere along the side of the road. Jen read that The Home Depot in Amarillo sells more spray paint than any other store in the country!

Look real close at the pictures I'm in because I sprayed "Murph was here" on one and "Team Murphy, Topsfield, MA" on's just hard to see in the photos!

This was an interesting day of visiting & creating artwork...-Rte 66 style!

free glitter text and family website at

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