Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Cuddles is Traveling

Wednesday, November 26, 2014 2:02 PM
Hello Andrew and classmates!
I have traveled to three states in the past few weeks.   My first stop was Celebration, Florida with Uncle Brad and Aunt Laura.  It was a great beginning.  Uncle Brad and I played Mario Bros on his “old school” Nintendo (8bit) system.   Have you ever played that?  It was a lot of fun!   They also took me to Epcot for an afternoon.  We enjoyed the last day of the Food & Wine Festival.   We have been enjoying hot tea each morning before they head off to work.  We chat about the unseasonable weather and plans for the day.   Once I am alone,  I talk to their other friends  Olaf, WALL-E, Goofy, and Sid the sloth. 


I’m now in Virginia spending time with Uncle Brad, Aunt Laura and her family.   They brought me along for their annual trip to VA.  I spent the flight looking out the window of the plane.   I made some new friends in Virginia, Conall and Rowan.  They have been playing with me since we met.  We took a trip to Pennsylvania together to visit Aunt Laura’s grandma for her 86th birthday.  I played some Pokémon on DS with Rowan during the 3 hour drive.  I also shared some fried shrimp with Conall during Grandma’s birthday dinner.  I’m now relaxing in Virginia through Thanksgiving with Aunt Laura’s family.  On Friday, I’ll be traveling north to New Hampshire!  
I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving!


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