Saturday, November 22, 2014

Max Reporting from Snow Covered Buffalo, New York

Hello! We are taking many breaks from shoveling the snow this week. It is very heavy since it is full of water! The only good part of this storm is that the schools were closed for four days! The only bad part of that is we only have one more snow day built into the school calendar. That means if we need to use more than one day due to weather we have to make up the time. That happened to us last year. We had a lot of days off because of the wind chill being double digits below zero. The school district added two days to the end of our school year. It was awful!! Cross your fingers for us that doesn't happen again!
Two miles from this house they ultimately received over six feet of snow! The weather forecast calls for 60 degrees by Tuesday. We'll be shoveling what is left in shorts :)

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