Friday, December 19, 2014

Coffee is on the Set in Los Angeles!

Greetings from sunny Los Angeles! It is CRAZY here! Just like the movies! My hosts Molly and Tracy are really cool. Tracy, a set decorator by trade, is working on a James Franco feature called Zeroville, based on a book that came out a few years ago. I had never heard of it, but apparently it was pretty popular. Anyway, Tracy brought me to set with her and put me to work as a PA, which stands for Production Assistant. It was very exciting, bordering on stressful. In a good way though. I ran around like crazy getting coffees for people, running errands, all the while trying to stay out of the way. We worked 13-hour days which was exhausting, let me tell you. But everyone was really nice. Here's a pic of me sitting in a director's chair in "video village" which is where the director watches the movie being filmed on monitors.  

This is a close up of me and the slate. The slate (also called a clapper) is a tool they use during filming at the beginning of every shot--they clap the slate together which makes a loud noise at the exact instant that the colored lines match up-- the editors use this moment as reference so when they are editing the film the soundtrack and visual image will by in sync. I'm learning a lot on this trip so far. Working in movies if fun I would totally do it again.
bye for now!
ps Please tell Cameron I miss him!

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