Friday, December 19, 2014

Murphster is Back in MA

Hi Class,
Today I did it all...planes, trains & automobiles, oh AND an 18 wheeler! 

Jen & I watched the sunrise from an airplane from CA then watched it set from a taxi cab in Boston on our way to the train station, where we took the "commuter rail" to a station close to Jen's home. Her son, who is home on college break from NH, picked us up & brought us home.

What a long day but I learned a lot more about traveling from Jen today, she is a pro. She enjoys photographing her travels so she said to tell Mrs. Murphy that it's been extra special to have me along to include in her photos!
Be on the watch for postcards from us, there's a bunch on the way!
Hunkering down for the holidays...ho, ho, ho!
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